Friday, June 27, 2008


Q: What's worst than encountering a hungry lion/tiger/ wild boar/crocodile and etc?

A: Running into a woman suffering from PMS.

vain vain us.

Yeah well, i am pretty sure everyone knows it's best to avoid woman suffering from pms, namely yours truly here. And i'm also damn sure i've had a few posts talking about my "pontianak monster syndrome". And again it happens i'm blogging on the day where i'm suffering from it.

Not that you guys would really wanna know since i'll become less patient, blow up at least once a day, being really REALLY moody, being really REALLY manja with ben, my dad and urh.. sandra and etc. wait.. did i mention i'll get upset easily too? =/

how can i not love you when you're so adorable? =3

This week hadn't been a great week for me. Stressful for sure. and on top of that i've met the biggest M*****F***** in my whole life. I'm serious. Firstly, it was the school carnival, my class, we don't have the brightest student really.. =/ especially when it comes to business.. and we're all turning into alphas.. meaning we want to take control of stuff especially me.. OH MY GAWD.. I'm turning into one of the most hateful people on earth.. *sigh* i blame my PMS because i'm NOT like that.. I don't like to shoulder responsibilities.. especially one that decides if we make profit or lose money.. *urgh*

hottie and me.

Okay, as for the M*****F*****, it's actually my EX tuition teacher. I've never met anyone like him and it made me made a pact where i will NEVER deal with that kinda person anymore. Owh trust me, it's easy to tell *i'm not telling you how i'll decide if a person deserves to be in THAT lowest of the low category*.

So i'll call him DONKEY since his name starts with a D. Started teaching us around February and was always late for class for 30 minutes but leave exactly on time. So what happened was, last holiday *the 2 weeks one*, two of my friends went off holiday and i have to be the middle person to cancel classes. in total, we cancelled off 3 classes.

After school started, i contacted DONKEY for replacement and he agreed to have it on friday at 10am. But that very morning DONKEY smsed, bring it to 1130 which i agreed. Friends and i went but tuition centre wasn't open, so we waitied for 15 mins, knowing he will be LATE as USUAL, we went off to OLD TOWN for breakfast. Guess how long we spend there? 2 FREAKING HOURS. We called and called and called. and messaged. That ASS didn't pick up. Didn't reply.

never fail to cheer me up. =)

Then he msged asking if it was alright to bring it to sunday. which CK replied saying okay. Then on sunday morning, i msged to confirm. he didn't reply as usual. we went there on time but again, we were made to wait about 30 mins, he didn't come. This time, CK was bloody furious, msged him. We ask him to be punctual the next time. we even said PLEASE. but ASS went like "mind your language." WTF rite?

Then we decided to quit. basically we can't stand his attitude. Then we went to get back our deposit. he treated us like we were beggars and said he doesn't want our money. *snorts, yeah rite!* and said he'll ask his mum(tuition centre owner) to call us.

because you're so CUTEEEEEE! *random*

And as predicted. NEVER call us or anything. So yesterday my friends went to ask AGAIN. I didn't go as i was having dinner. Guess what? He raised his voice, denied every of his fault, blamed every shit on me, refused to pay back our deposits, ask them to get lost and go to hell.

Yeah. Owh, i wish him dead. seriously. the MF called my dad up and said i didn't pay my may fees which is true and which i DIDN'T want to pay since he refused my deposit. But my dad, as nice as he is, went to pay the rm100 when he should have waited for me if he's afraid of creating a scene because i don't freaking care. It's MONEY which i can spend on my revision books. And to count properly, even if my dad wants to pay it's only rm25 because we cancelled 3 classes.

i love baby cloudy too! =3

*growls* when i found out he went and paid the money. I was freaking furious. I actually ranted on my dad for 15 minutes scolding as many vulgarities at the MF as possible. My dad laughed it off. *rolls eye* how typical of my dad. He just got conned rite under his nose and he didn't feel furious. =/ i mean which sane person wouldn't be angry?!

God, i swear i'll study hard and sue the bugger when i become a certified lawyer. i don't care if it's a few years back kinda thing but i'll make sure he can't make a living in this world for cheating people's money. on top of that, i think i'll roll a tong of cylinder gas with a wick attached and blow the bloody tuition centre up. I love the idea very much. I hope he goes down with it.

before going to bangsar with kristineeeeee.

I'm really sorry people have to see the real sadistic side of me. Well, i blame it all on the horror movies i've been watching like crazy. but what i'm not sorry is.. finding a way to bring down his tuition centre now.. or maybe somewhere near in future.. and by that time, he'll be SORRY..

Someone is reporting him to JPS aka Jabatan Pendidikan Selangor. HAH!


CHRIS TAN said...

cute ! hahahaha..

great way of determination to be a lawyer!

darren said...

wow..oh well,all i can say is if u need any help to get back ur money,do call me..i could use some fighting exercise...hehe...So,remenber to call me ya...hahahaha...don't mind ur dad,cos he too gentlemen ady...u need a rough,gangster look,and know how to fight(i know a bit fighting but that enough i think) person...hahahaha...

§oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...

fellow sadist! *waves*

bwahahaha! I am so not the only one..oh hohoho...looks who have bad PMS-es too!! hahaha...can I rid myself of the title of having monstrous PMS and award it to you instead? bwahahahah!

I am happy...=D what la u...pissed up upload such cute pics...then camwhore before going out with me...what la u....supposed to camwhore together la! but hor...we got so much things to talk abt we never tot of that sad or happy? =/

me. said...

chris: hahaha! true! it's actually the dissatisfaction of life which lead man to a better life i guess. =D and i wish NOT to be bullied in the future therefore.. i think lawyer is the best.. =P

Darren: huah~! why i nvr thought of asking u to beat the fella up? HAHAHAHA! but that's the past.. =3 i give his tuition centre another year before it closes down due to his lack professional etiquette. =3 *see, stephie is still so kinda afterall*

Kristine: LOL. I don't think i'm that scary yet. *looks around* most probably it's all the anger bottled up in me for all the days before my BIG day, therefore.. i blow quick easily.. =3 as i've said, i'm like a nuclear, i nuke at untimely times.. =P

well, i think it's both of a sad and happy thing but hey! we still hang out and that's what matters! =D

Shennie said...

i didn't know jin rui used my comp to blog.. eeshhh! that was my reply btw.. =/

darren said...

well,u wanna know how to close down his centre faster?complain!!!
Ask all the ppl who has class with him and have problem also to complain...and also tell every1 who going to the tuition centre to change their mind...and i can gurantee it will close down by...let say end of this month...

Shennie said...

walau.. i wish loh! how m i gonna contact his students eh? LOL. i can't exactly go up there and convince the ppl, i'll get kick out in no time.. hahaha.. =D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

hey i didn't use ur comp to blog.. i think i logged in my gmail that time -_- sorry ar forgot to logout. is that time u were at oldtown when i ran into u ? with my new hair cut and all. lolwtf damn bastard wei i'd be super pissed and sadistic too so it's normal =P

Anonymous said...

oh that comment that was deleted was me i ter-posted the comment under another account.