Friday, March 6, 2009


My palms are sweaty. hell, my feet are too.

my stomach is BLOODY churning! my insides feel like falling out. i suddenly lost the appetite.


*sobs, sniffs, sobs*

I'm NOT through with the holidays yet! OMG! *sniffs*

when i need you the most, you're going to college! *brawls my head off*

WHY in the world did i missed out that news?! WHY in the world i signed in my email acc and saw that bloody piece of news posted on Kong Wey Keat's(1 Amanah class clown, remember?) blog TODAY!

i didn't believed it until.. i saw.. my fellow schoolmates posted something about the results on facebook. *&^%!

hyperventilates *breathe stephie, BREATHE!*

i just saw the news. heck and i even googled it.

STPM results is coming out on...

10th MARCH!

can i just keel over and so die?

the news was released last thursday and i'm "DAMN" lucky to find out today.

there goes my excitedness and everything else. *sigh*

i didn't exaggerate about the hyperventilating part. i was. i m suffering shortness of breathe. you know what? i think i'm gonna lie down for a bit. and most prolly, try to shop hard. can we go clubbing on monday night? i know i won't be able to sleep. hmm? hmm? anyone? =(


darren said...

hahahahah...what la u,just relax just result and beside i sure u do well...
well,about the clubbing part..u have to ask mel,and see she free to go or not...hahaha...i don mind tagging along...

Melody said...

Dudeeeeeeeeeeee relax chillezzz everything will be okay :) :) :)
DARREN, ask me huh? HAHAHA I cant laa babe,8 am class tomorrow :0 how about yumcha? since i missed out the last one hehee HOLLA when u see this yeah~!


§oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said... must be pretty serious until you want to go clubbing. hahaha..but u did well...all hyperventilation is gone..sorry i lambat read your blog...>.<