Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm Going To Be Away People!

clumps of cotton in the blue skies.

I know i've been pulling a lot of dissappearing acts lately but i can't help it. =/ i'm sorry.

here's the thing. my computer is dead. again. yeah, again. i think this will be the 3rd time in a year? i don't know. sorta lost track of how many times it has been down. ekk. so since it's down, i wont be updating anytime soon.

owh, and my trials is like next week starting on the 9th and ending on the 19th. So, obviously, i won't be around again.

*ps: i think the comp knows my trials is coming and therefore decided to die, just so, i would stop blog hopping and study. =D i love my comp*

Anyway, i hope you guys enjoy your days. =D and wish me luck! See you guys soon! =) and do take care! =)


*psss: I so love her concert though it wasn't as great as gwen's but who cares! xD i will dye my hair blond like hers with pink streaks in the future. =P*

*pssss: don't you love the weather these days? i do! with the cloudyness and stuff. =D*

1 comment:

darren said...

hahaha..such a very kind computer,to die when ur stpm coming ady...haha...
anyway,good luck then...do call us all out once ur stpm done...