Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When the tagging game makes a come back.

because you're all worth it. =)

I remember i used to do tags to update my blog when i find no reason/topic or anything to update. Right now my life succumbs back into blandness. Hahaha. And since Raymond Tan tagged me, i think, i'll do it. =) Besides, i really have nothing to do!

1. Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
- forehead! =) or cheeks.

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
- woozy. dizzy. and gan jiong coz it's already 11am. hahaha.

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with ?
-urhm. ben, kristine, flora, and seng kit.

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled?
- In a way, i think i am but not the over the top kind though i wish i was. hahaha.

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
- I suppose i would once i conquer the fear of needle. i heard it's really big!

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
- urhm, not BEST friend, more like close frens that sometimes makes me happy or pisses me off a huge time.

7. Do you want someone to be dead ?
- *thinks* when that person pisses me off badly. hahaha. but no. i don't wish them dead, otherwise there aren't anyone to piss me off. =D

8. What does your last text message say ?
- ok dear!! Will post to u by tomorrow!! take care ya dear!! *it's not from ben, it was from a girl*

9. What are you thinking right now ?
- what time should i do my excercise. and i hate it when dad leaves his phone at home! gawd.

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
- hmm. ben? lol. but it's okay. i am good at entertaining myself. =D

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
- 2am after an hour of pampering myself in the middle of the night. =P

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
- mom bought it from pasar. X)

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
- dad. his phone wouldn't stop ringing and his customers are asking hard to answer questions.

14. Who was the last person who text you ?
- Julia.

10 person to tag regardless them doing it or not:

1. Benjamin (i know you won't do. i've tagged you god-knows how many times but you've only done one or two)

2. Kristine (you've NVR done any of my tags)

3. Melody (at least you do my tags. =) *sayangs*)

4. Darren (another person who never bagi chance!)

5. Urh, hmm. Sandra? (do it in facebook NOTES)

6. Errrrrrr.. Lyndy (just for the fun of it)

7. CMY. (i know you wont do. =))

8. Andrew Koh ( i have a feeling you don't have time for this.)

9. Steven Fok (who sometimes appears on my blog)

10. *thinks* urhm, Amirul who does not visit my blog.

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
- Seng Kit. HAHAHAHA. Just kidding. She's single and available and so hot. LOL! Ms M'sia Universe call back you know! X)

16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?
- a very cun and hot female. =)

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
- yeahhh! they would make a very cute couple. =P

18. What is no.1 studying about ?
- Electrical Engineering in INTI.

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
- oh wow, some i talk to everyday, some occasionally, some.. have not talked for months.

20.Is no.4 single ?
- Oh no, he has got himself a sweet chick! =)

still like this pic. =)

21. Say something about no.2
- She is Captain Awesome!

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together ?
- i think they'll get along really fine. =D

23. Describe no.9 .
-He's supportive of ridiculous things that i wanna do but pretty sarcastic at times. =D

24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
- They won't fight as they dont know each other but CMY has lots of patience! Never seen him getting pissed......yet...

25. Do you like 8 ?
- urhm, how am i suppose to answer that? hahaha. yeah, most prolly as a fren though i kinda don't like the way he types WHAT as WUT.

So that's about it i guess. to do or not to do is up to you~ =) and raymond, i've done it as i say i would. aren't you proud? =D


Unknown said...

*Sayangs!* back hehe :) will do it when i'm free kay babe :)

Raymond said...

Yeah u bet I'm proud! =D
haha! thanks for taking the time to do it. *beams*

Shennie said...

melody: awww. that's so sweet of you mel. =) unlike someone. *winks at kristine*. take ur time doing the tag. =)

raymond: no worries, i've a lot of time to kill on weekdays. =) i m only busy during the weekends. teehee~!

-sHoCkoDok- said...

been wondering how r u lately..

Shennie said...

shockodok: you visit! =)i m doing alright. pretty ok. trying to make my blog more lively. hahaha. =D