Monday, January 12, 2009

Of Dramas and Tears

doesn't exist in real life, or does it?

I used to think HK dramas are really over rated. i mean, who would argue over small lil stuff?

it happened today.

she is F-ing hypocrite. anything goes wrong, blames steph. had a bad day, vent it on steph. steph said the wrong thing, zooms into it and attacks that sore spot.

yeah. i had a bad one with her today. almost decided to actually leave the house for good. i salute my dad for his patience and love. i admire my dad the most for that beautiful quality of his.

obviously i m the smaller bear.

Q: what is the cause of today's war ( i had one ally while she had none, mwahahaha!) ?

the cause.

A: One word : Curtains.

Yesterday, my lovely younger sis n her went to look for curtains in macy. apparently curtains there aren't as beautiful or lovely as they thought. so they didn't buy any. she F-ing pin the blame on me saying that because i wasn't there they couldn't buy anything.

Steph : HELLO?! You can always f-ing buy whatever you want without me there okay? i don't have to pay for it. you do. get whatever you want. i can always get it another day. buy whatever you think is neccessary.

but reality is, they didn't buy anything. and the so called reason coz i was NOT there.

then she ask me to go get the f-ing curtains. i said okay with the help of sandra. sandra was bloody blur alright. it was also because of my mum indecessiveness, she was soooo blur about a lot of things. dad LAGI blur. then since no one was there to decide. i was stupid n i took the liberty to decide. look, i admit i m not the smartest on earth or in the family. it didn't occur me when i made the f-ing decision for everyone.
i bought white curtains for daylight curtain. and i bought it for the each window.

Q: define daylight curtain.
A: daylight curtain is the inner layer, the one close to the window, usually in translucent material to lighten the blazing sunlight streaming in to the house.

then she f-ing have to scold me saying the material didn't worth the money. she chided me from mahkota all the way to guardian in sg long and all the way home. i had enough. i yelled and scream back at her. saying things that i've hidden inside for so long. and she was taken aback. then she started attacking me for the things i said.

jeng jeng jeng!

before turning into the street, she ask me to get out and to not go home. which i said fine. i got out and slammed the f-ing door. then i walked home. boy, i was f-ing pissed. when i got home, dad came out n brought me in. when she saw me, she started asking me to leave which i said I WILL!

then i went into my room. she had to come after me. i called my elder sis and said i wanna stay with her for the rest of my life. LOL. then that woman have to keep screaming for me to leave. my dad came up. ( that's when i feel he's damn manly, hahaha!) he said to my mum in a really confident n loud voice. "She's NOT going anywhere, you are being unreasonable!"

but dad got into trouble for helping me. mum actually asked him to leave. (-_-") which he said "fine, i'll leave with her." by then i was crying. i was so pissed. i started crying. i wasn't sad. i was bloody angry. (-_-") god, i havent got so angry till i cry but this, i was pissed. i packed my bag and left. waiting for my dad. then dad argued some more. and before i know it, i was in the house. and my mum was still f-ing attacking me. *sigh*

it was bad. but i calmed down after that. and you know what? for that moment, i really hated her and i wished she wasn't my mum but i can't do much rite? i mean, this is life. i can't choose my mum. my dad said that. ben said that. royston said that.

then everything was resolved. but i dont think i wanna see her YET. dad asked me to apologized for what i said. i didn't apologized. i don't think i was at fault. and i wouldn't. or maybe i would. when i m in the mood but right now, i won't. coz i didn't do anything wrong! hmph!


§oŁЇtǺ®ÿ ®o§ě said...

peace ma sister! *whacks chest and show peace sign dgn segala gayaness*


Melody said...

Hey! chill out kay :) i know what u mean,everything will be okay soon. Dont think too much kay :) hopefully everything falls into place for u,once and for all kay :)

Shennie said...

kristine: somehow.. u made urself sound... very... tai ka jie-ish.. LOL!

melody: =) yeah, everything's okay now. at least she know how i feel abt a lot of things. hahaha! =D

darren said...

wow...u walk home alone from guardian?!?not bad...

well,life like that and believe me...i did do that before when i piss too...i just walk off from the restaurant to my house without looking back tho...

anyway,do chill...ur know ur mom attitude,so just get out before she keep on pushing the button lo...

now i know why u not so happy that day...haiz...