I've an announcement to make. I've finally got my appeal result and yes, i've got it.
I've UKM's Law. Obviously i didn't want UKM but the course is what i want. *sigh* and i didn't want to go for it but i guess i've no other choice. i argued with my parents, cried the whole night and day but to NO avail. so, i really have no other choice. owh well.
I'm not sure if i've to stay on campus or am i allowed to travel everyday. so we'll see how things work out tomorrow. everything happened so fast, things just came like that and honestly, i am quite shocked. my holiday has finally ended. =(
ps: the world is quiet and it doesn't hear you - Ben
I've an announcement to make. I've finally got my appeal result and yes, i've got it.
I've UKM's Law. Obviously i didn't want UKM but the course is what i want. *sigh* and i didn't want to go for it but i guess i've no other choice. i argued with my parents, cried the whole night and day but to NO avail. so, i really have no other choice. owh well.
I'm not sure if i've to stay on campus or am i allowed to travel everyday. so we'll see how things work out tomorrow. everything happened so fast, things just came like that and honestly, i am quite shocked. my holiday has finally ended. =(
ps: the world is quiet and it doesn't hear you - Ben
pilihan merupakan umrah kehidupan yang sukar dikikiskan. walau macammana sekalipun, biar pilihan ditetapkan, potensi jangan digelapkan. serlahkan kecanggihan mu di universiti tempatan. pada masa akan datang, kita adalah law student yang mencari kebenaran. Janganlah sedih oh kawan anda sentiasa mendapat sokongan untuk maju kehadapan.
whoops. it rhymes!
thanks chris. =)
it does rhymes and the words are beautiful. we may not be able to be coll mates but lets be friends or colleagues in the future. ;)
till then keep in touch! =)
haha yeah. but aren't we friends now? :D
update me yah! take good care.
sometimes i think i am a well deserving lawyer since i pandai berkata kata. (ss-ing, sila endure sikit hehehe)
see at least i'm one of ur frens who say its going to be ok in the end...
*pats back* Whoa...we are going to be lawyers together! (if i dont fail)
Congrats babe :) Update us on your decisions and stuffs ;)
"The world is quiet and it doesn't hear you". Agree. In the real world, you will not be pampered.
When I keep on hearing things about the real world, it sounded like hell to me.
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